My story “Little Hawk” is up at Little Fiction. This story went through many revisions, workshops, and rejections before finding a home. I haven’t come up with a cool-enough one-sentence synopsis to hypnotize yet, so I’ll just encourage you to check it out when you have a few free minutes. This story is in my first collection, Men and the Drink.
Inspiration included kitchen work in restaurants, sibling relationships, the rural-urban divide, and Moss Park in Toronto.
Much thanks to Troy Palmer, editor and creative director of Little Fiction, for his excellent fine-tuning and beautiful cover design. To learn more about Little Fiction, read this recent interview with Troy at The City Fox. All short fiction at LF can be found HERE.
My other online stories…
“Rivals” at Joyland
“The Promise of Puppies” at Dragnet Magazine
“Hybrid Love” at Lies With Occasional Truth