“The Inkling” in Echolocation

Vuk Dragojevic

Echolocation Issue 12 Launch 
Thursday, November 1, 2012
No One Writes to the Colonel
460 College St., Toronto, ON
Readings start at 8pm

My story “The Inkling” is featured in the new issue of Echolocationthe literary journal produced by the Graduate English students at the University of Toronto.

“The Inkling” is the tale of Jarls Jensen, a failed journalist, who seeks a fortune-telling fraud to influence his wife. This story was inpired by a dream, my cat Harold, Picton, my grandparent’s Airstream in Dwyer Hill, and my brother’s fondness for the name Jarls…Berg.

Reading “Summer Sublet”
At the launch, I’ll be reading a different story from my almost finished collection, Men and the Drink, alongside fellow contributors Ben Ladouceur and Andrew Battershill. Drop by for a copy of the new issue, a reading or three, drinks, dancing, and conversation.
Super Fans R & D & G

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