This slump has affected my fiction, blogging, editing, and even tweeting. I knew I was in trouble when I stopped reading a few months back. My top ten excuses:
1. Grammar Boy – kissing on fire escapes and park benches is more fun than writing, right?
2. Work hours increase – who has time to write?
3. The Cats – they need mummy and will not be ignored.
4. NFL – need to study to achieve success in my pool.
5. Tired – nothing new, always been an insomniac.
6. L-I-V-I-N – I’ll write about it later.
7. School – focusing on my editing career.
8. Writing in my head – pen to paper is the challenge.
9. Wrong mood – not that I know what the right one is.
10. Low-Grade Anticipatory Stress Disorder – made this up but sounds about right.
Now that I’ve shared this crap with the blogosphere I’m hoping it will get me back on track. What excuses do you dispense when you’re not writing or doing what you’re passionate about?