Writers Keeping Records: Part 1

10 Essential Records
Writers use different systems to keep track. Mine is somewhat obsessive, but it works. I use word files that I update regularly. f (format) * (importance) ? (thoughts)

1. Upcoming Submissions
f Date…Location…Story
* keeps submissions flowing
? how many times a month do you submit

2. Submissions by Date
f Date…Magazine/Contest/Grant…Story…Response(date)
* what’s still out there
? do you take long breaks in submitting stories

3. Stories Available
f Story…Destination…Sent(date)…Response(date)
* where is a story, how many times has it been submitted
? how many rejections does your favourite story have

4. Magazine Submissions
f Magazine…Sent(date)…Story…Response(date)
* history with a magazine(# of submissions/response times)
? what do you do if one magazine rejects you ten times

5. Feedback from Magazines
f Response(date)…Magazine…Editor…Story…Comments
* useful in revisions & when feeling crap about writing
? do you mention feedback in following submission

6. Magazines
f Magazine(alphabetical) – include address, fiction editor, email, guideline specifics
* visit website prior to every submission for updates
? how many different journals do you submit to

7. Stories by Word Count
f Story…Word Count(low to high)
* useful when wc is specified in guidelines
? what do you consider a short story, length-wise

8. Literary Resume   
f Publications…Education…Workshop…Interviews…Reviews
* useful for grant applications
? what else do you include

9. Grant Applications
f Grant…Deadline(date)…$…Writing Sample…Response
* keep separate file for application forms
? any tips on project descriptions for a short story collection

10. Contest Submissions
f Deadline(date)…Contest…Story
* quick view history, haven’t entered a contest in 2+ years
? do you think contests are worthwhile

Upcoming post: 10 Optional Records

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