Diggie bought me an iPhone – my first cell phone ever. Before I get savvy, I thought I’d record questions and discoveries that no doubt will later embarrass.
How do people do this one-handed?
Now I get why kids use all these short forms when texting.
My giant hands don’t work so well.
What if I lose it? to which Diggie replied, “You don’t”
Ringtones are fun. I can’t decide on Sherwood Forest or Spell for mail alerts. It’s going to take a long time to give each friend an individial text and ring tone.
I haven’t transferred music from my computer yet because I’m afraid it will disappear.
Where do I get a cool Ramones cover case?
I’ve only made one live call in the privacy of someone else’s home. I feel like a jerk using it in public.
How do I appear natural with this thing? Practice?
My best friend doesn’t have a cell phone. That’s no fun.
Will the cell phone hold-outs think I’m a traitor?
I feel like a grown up.
Apps for 99 cents seems extravagant. I want the free ones but that means I will need my first credit card ever.
Excited for NFL/NHL apps. Will these cause spamarama?
People write books on these things, but do they read them? Sore eyes.
I don’t think I should bring it to the bar.
Someone might grab it out of my hands and run off. They are expensive.
Diggie is going to get annoyed with all my questions.